BILL'S DIETARY HABITS (a doctor's nightmare)
by Diane Wheat

As much as i love and adore my Bill, i worry about his eating habits.  When i first met him, i said to myself what a wonderful well rounded man!  Then i cuddled him and, as it was the middle of winter, i thought woooo-hoooo double bonus!  He was a human electric blanket with double insulation and an inbuilt pillow.  What more could a woman ask for?  A heart as big as Airs Rock (Darwin) and as soft as marshmallows.  My few overseas trips to meet with Bill was wonderful.  However, the lanquage barrier was a bit much at times.  For example, "biscuits and gravy ".  Who ever heard of cookies on white sauce?  Of course when the waitress brought out scones on white sauce, i was completely horrified!

I noticed Bill loves his midnight snacks of whatever is quickest and easiest.  This could be pizza, hotdogs (raw ofcourse), cakes, and oh, the favourite of all — poached eggs — roughly five at a time.  (Boy, am i glad i was talking on the net thousands of miles away at the time.)  So when Bill and i finally got together, i decided, ok big boy time for you to get healthy.  WRONG!

I made fresh fruit salad and to my horror he found that ice cream went wonderfully with it — Lots and lots of ice cream.  Now to harden the ateries, how about a bit of dinner with that salt?  Or some bread to go with that margerine.  I have discovered my darling cuddly Bill is beyond retraining so now very sneakily i put low-fat products into high-fat containers.  hehehehe  To end my tale, and to show that i am not the smartest lady in the world, i will tell you of Bill's walking habits — a nice healthy walk each day ends in a lovely snack at the local bakery of yummy doughnuts or apple scrolls.  I GIVE UP!

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April 00
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